Of rocks, bucklers and clean hands…

Psalm 18:1-20 • Psalm 18:21-50
Deut. 3:18-28 • Rom. 9:19-33 • Matt. 24:1-14

When I awoke today, I was disheartened by the morning news reporting continued strife over racial bias in policing, increasing Covid infection rates and more roll backs of progressive policies. After coffee, I scanned the readings for today and thought, oh my, more gloom and doom.

My second and third readings saw a light break through. These readings assured me that you and I share a strength that often we overlook or take for granted. As all five of these readings remind us that we have a buckler (a small shield worn on the left arm), rock and deliverance.

All fifty verses of Psalm 18 give us hope for the future. My day was particularly brightened by these three verses:

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

20 The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.

46 The Lord liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.

Deuteronomy, Romans and Matthew continue to build our hope that this drama of today will pass if we are steady in our faith and keep our hands clean. It is not just that we should sit and wait, but rather be proactive. We should take the responsibility of living in the way of Christ. We have a rock and a buckler to give us strength to address bias, calamity and conflict.

Written by Walt Eilers

Walt Eilers serves Arkansas nonprofits as a consultant. He has enjoyed his 20-year affiliation with St. Paul’s Fayetteville. He also looks forward to celebrating National Sugar Cookie Day on July 9.


Knowing and Not Knowing


Love One Another