Opened Eyes

AM Psalm 16, 17 • PM Psalm 22
1 Samuel 17:17-30 • Acts 10:34-48 • Mark 1:1-13

“I now realize.”

My life has been peppered with this and similar phrases. I have on occasion (often?) had misguided ideas about things and have learned in my 60+ years that the best way of righting my ship is to acknowledge my misperceptions and change course. My most important realization has been that God never gives up on me despite my best efforts to make that a difficult thing. I have also come to comprehend the degree to which systemic racism continues to exist deep into the core of our everyday life and the damage it has done. I accept that it is absolutely essential that I be active in the changes that must occur.

Those of you who have been reading my past Reflections know I have been a bit hard on Peter, even when the appointed readings were not clearly about him. However, today we see the new and improved Peter which brings into focus the one who was a lynchpin in the development of the early church but more importantly a true messenger of the grace of God through Jesus Christ that is free for all.

Peter’s journey to this point was not easy. There are a host of times when he had to be admonished and once after denying knowing Jesus, to be reinstated. This last one even after Peter’s unequivocal response to Jesus’s question “Who do you say I am?” He stated without hesitation, “The Christ of God.”

Oh, what a change we see today. We literally witness the growth and development of Peter throughout the earlier chapters of Acts, culminating with this impassioned speech. We see a new Peter, one filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking with power and certainty, proclaiming the universal availability of salvation. His words “I now realize” demonstrate a turning point for Peter and for the church, much as it does for us on occasion.

What a great example that God is never finished with any of us. God is constantly prodding, cajoling and leading each of us. All we have to do is be open to the new “visions” that God puts in front of us and be willing to change our mind, alter our course and act accordingly.

May all our eyes be opened to God’s plans.

Written by Dennis McKinnie

Seeking clearer vision.


Not horses and chariots, stones and guns, but Love

