Present God

AM Psalm 41, 52 • PM Psalm 44
Joshua 7:1-13 • Rom. 13:8-14 • Matt. 26:36-46

In this morning’s Gospel lesson, we encounter Jesus in the midst of his grief. At the end of a long and busy day “he began to be sorrowful and troubled.” And, while he had brought along three companions to sit with him in his sadness, he finds that they are not “in it” with him the way he had perhaps hoped they would be. How painful it must be to experience something so deeply and to feel so alone amongst those you believed to be your friends. Yet, Jesus is not alone for God is there with him. God is present with Jesus in his hardship even if God doesn’t intervene to remove the obstacles he must face.

In his sorrow, Jesus surrenders to his reality. He finds his life on a trajectory that is not one that he might have chosen on his own accord. “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” Jesus confronts his grief boldly, if what has been foretold is to be, then let it be.

When we find ourselves in times of trouble may Jesus be our guide. May we face what we find placed before us with quite confidence. May we feel God present with us through our trials and tribulations.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. – Psalm 46:1

Written by Samantha Clare

Samantha is working on remembering to be present and to breathe deeply.


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