Seeds on the Ground

AM Psalm 41, 52 • PM Psalm 44
1 Samuel 24:1-22 • Acts 13:44-52 • Mark 4:1-20

The Gospel reading for today is the parable of The Sower and Soil according to St. Mark.

A sower throws seeds every which way and where the seeds land determines very different outcomes: no plants (just bird food), withered plants, choked plants or healthy, grain-producing plants.

And the Teacher says:
Let anyone with ears to hear, listen!

Consider what it would have been like to hear this parables on the shore of the lake. The crowds were given no interpretation, just a story about which to ruminate. Imagine the rector reading just the parable on a Sunday morning and then sitting down, leaving us in silence to consider what the Spirit is saying to God’s people.

Today I may be given a good seed. Will it stay with me? Or fly away at the next distraction? If I take a moment to reflect and recognize that “this is good,” will that reflection grow and turn into action on my part? Will my action wither as soon as I face some friction? What cares and worries might get in the way today?

If I really do find a good, growing seed today what can I do, O Lord, to be good soil? How can I give the seed what it needs so that it grows into something that will be a benefit to someone else? What can I do today, O God, that might make a tiny seed grow into an action that will help many, many someone elses?

Maybe if I listen today I will hear an answer.

Written by Troy Schremmer

Troy works with preschool age children as an enrichment teacher in music and movement. He and his wife Jonny have a 16-year-old car-driving son(!) and a nine-year-old dog. They are so happy it’s summer!


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