For Shame

Psalm 50 • Psalm 59, 60 or 66, 67
Joshua 9: 3-21 • Rom. 15: 1-13 • Matt. 26: 69-75

There are things from my past that occasionally come back to my memory, and I still feel ashamed. How stupid I was. Why did I do that? Chemicals flow through my body again, and I can feel the angst.

Today we read of Peter’s big failure. It happens only 36 verses after he had bragged in this same chapter, “Though all become deserters because of you, I will never desert you.” With oaths and curses, three times Peter claims he never knew Jesus. Then he realizes what he has done. How bitter those tears must have been.

That Peter could be healed and restored from so great a failure says something authenticating about the resurrection. In John 21, the risen Jesus comes to Peter and asks him three times, “Peter, do you love me?” And three times Peter declares his love. He’s being honest. Peter does love Jesus. That is enough. Jesus empowers Peter to go boldly, without shame or guilt, and to lead his movement.

That’s powerful love. The love of Jesus pardons, forgives and heals every failure and every shame. Our love for Jesus give us boldness to risk without fear, knowing he will overcome any failure on our part.

Paul writes in today’s reading: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Written by Lowell Grisham

Lowell Grisham is now serving as Interim Supply Priest for St. Theodore’s, Bella Vista and enjoys worshiping with St. Paul’s online.


Blood at the Root


As on a Day of Festival