Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

AM Psalm 72 • PM Psalm 119:73-96
Judges 3:12-30 • Acts 1:1-14 • Matt. 27:45-54

Today we read about both Jesus’ death and his ascension. What a reversal of settings, moods, and emotions. Jesus was alive and well, then he was crucified and died dramatically. Then he was resurrected. He was back, he spent time with the disciples. They enjoyed his company again. And then he ascended after he left them with the promise of the Holy Spirit, and a commission to be his witnesses “to the ends of the earth.” He was gone again, and the angels who stood by said that Jesus would come back in the same way he had left.

Think of a situation where something or someone you counted on, that was a bedrock of your safety and security, was painfully wrenched away from you, or so it seemed. Then there was a respite, not as bad as you thought, maybe things will be okay. You could feel grounded and stable once more. And then it was gone again. Poof!! I see this sequence occurring in illnesses, in jobs, in relationships, and in the political environment.

I think it’s challenging to maintain trust and faith during the kinds of changes and reversals that go to the core of our identity and our sense of safety. The disciples pulled it off, however. Trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit and their memories of Jesus, they did become his witnesses and proclaimed his teaching everywhere they could. I am in awe of them. I wish and pray for that kind of faith and trust to guide me.

Written by Cathy Campbell

A parishioner who joyfully sings in the choir, and who continues to pray.


Who Was “Also There”

