Turning Away

Psalm 61, 62 • Psalm 68:1-20 (21-23)
Judges 2: 1-5, 11-23 • Rom. 16: 17-27 • Matt. 27: 32-44

Today’s readings were challenging and left me wondering about the foolishness of people. My daughter has a term she uses; “It’s very people-y out there, I’ll just stay home” And I have to admit, sometimes she is not wrong.

Our reading from Judges tells of God’s people turning away from His command and following and worshiping the Baals. God gives opportunity to return to Him and; “the people lifted up their voices and wept”; when the angel of the lord spoke to them. God is trying, as are His people. As this passage continues, it is clear that the brokenness of humanity is strong and alluring. The language is strong, saying, “”they abandoned the Lord.”

The message to the Romans is to “keep an eye on those who cause dissensions and offenses, in opposition to the teaching that you have learned; avoid them. Again, there is no mincing of words here “avoid them.”

Our Gospel reading is hard. The soldiers sit at the cross, beneath the crucified Lord, to divide his clothing by casting lots. Passersby jeer and mock Jesus. The image is powerful and shocking. Humanity is broken. I most certainly want to avoid this type of person. But what am I called to do?

How wonderful that we can try again to love one another as Christ loves us. On those days when it is just too people-y, I will (try) turn toward prayer for my brother and my sister, and try again to remember “the teaching that I have learned.”

Written by Susie Norys

Trying my best to listen for God and to love my neighbor.


My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?


A Witness Against Us