Where There is Doubt, Let Me Sow Faith

Psalm 75, 76 • Psalm 23, 27
Judges 5:19-31 • Acts 2:22-36 • Matt. 28:11-20

Today’s gospel reading begins after we first read about how the two Mary’s went to see the tomb where Jesus was buried. When the women got there both they and the guards experienced an earthquake, and an angel who shone like lightening rolled back the stone of an empty tomb. The guards apparently fell to the ground and played dead. The angel told the women Jesus wasn’t there. The angel then instructed the women to go tell the disciples that Jesus, having risen from the dead, was on his way to Galilee and they should meet him there.

Our gospel reading takes up the story with the guards collecting themselves and going into the city to tell the chief priests everything that happened. The chief priests’ response to this news was to pay the soldiers to lie to the people and to spread the word that the disciples came and took Jesus’ body away.

The chief priests chose self-interest over the truth. They had all the evidence of all the many miracles Jesus had performed. They knew he was who he said he was. But they chose to lie to the people because the truth of the resurrection threatened their power and authority.

When the eleven disciples got to Galilee and saw Jesus they worshiped him, but some doubted. Who could blame them?? It’s a wild story. But there he was. Jesus instructs them to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy SpiritAnd remember, he says, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

These last months have us navigating our way through doubt and fear and worry about what the future holds for us, our children and our country. I am comforted by this gospel reading. The gospel reminds us that even though those in power lied, and even though some of the disciples doubted, faith and truth have prevailed because the love and truth of Jesus Christ is with us always, to the end of the age.

Written by Kathy McGregor

Kathy is a grateful member of St. Paul’s, founder of the Prison Story Project, and a postulant for holy orders seeking ordination as a deacon.


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Come, Holy Spirit, Come!