“Why are you amazed?”

Psalm 119:97-120 • Psalm 81, 82
Judges 7:19-8:12 • Acts 3:12-26 • John 1:29-42

All he asked for was money from the religious folks entering the temple. What better place to find charitable people than at the temple gate middle of the afternoon? When the man, crippled from birth, saw Peter and John, he asked for a gift. 

The man expected only a few coins, but Peter had something more miraculous in mind. As he spoke with the man, Peter reached for his hand, lifted him up and watched him walk, jump and praise God. 

Naturally, the on-lookers were amazed and rushed up to Peter with questions. Peter was genuinely stunned by the crowd’s reaction and he asked, “Why are you amazed at this?” I can picture Peter glancing over at John and mouthing “They think WE did this!

All they asked for was an explanation from these two men of what they had just witnessed. A man crippled from birth was walking. Peter had the crowd’s attention. He quickly seized the opportunity to give all the glory to Jesus for this man’s healing. 

The crowd only expected to have their curiosity satisfied, but Peter, once again that day, had something more miraculous in mind. As he spoke to the crowd, Peter reminded them of their heritage, of their part in turning Jesus over to Pilate. He also gave them a blueprint for eternal salvation. “Change your hearts and lives! Turn back to God so that your sins may be wiped away.”  Acts 3:19.

It was faith in Christ Jesus that healed this man. Let us pray daily and turn to God for healing of the crippling in our nation. Let us be amazed, but not surprised when He does just that.

Written by Barbara Batson

Barbara is thankful for the ongoing Bible study, worship, music, prayers and community witness of St. Paul’s.


The Feast of the Transfiguration

