What Happens Next?

AM Psalm 2, 24 • Exodus 24:12-18 • 2 Corinthians 4:1-6
PM Psalm 72 • Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 • John 12:27-36a

Anxiety about the future is not a unique experience. But if I had to boil it down to one image, I would choose a moment many of us are painfully familiar with–choosing your lunch seat in the school cafeteria. If you somehow missed the hellscape that is middle school, do your best to embody that moment with me.

You are handed a plastic tray of food, you get to the end of the check-out line, your last harbor of safety. You pick up your wobbly tray, slowly turn towards the cavernous room and are met with an endless sea of tables, questioning faces, and unspoken social dynamics. You freeze and realize you have less than three seconds to decide where to sit. Or, rather, who you will sit with. The seat you choose will determine not only how the rest of your lunch period goes, but potentially affect your social life for years to come. Good luck taking that next step forward.

I imagine the followers of Jesus felt a similar pit in their stomachs when he dropped the news that he was going to die. They have spent a lot of time with this supposed Messiah. If he dies, who will they sit with now? Where will they go from here?

The unknown can be paralyzing whether in a middle school cafeteria or as a disciple envisioning your life without Jesus to lead you. The gentle guidance I hear in the Gospel of John today is for us to remember that even in dark, scary, unknown-ness, we are never alone. We are children of the light and by walking in that light (or at least carrying a small bit of it with us when we do scary things) we are bringing Jesus with us along the way.

Written by Emma Mitchell

When not serving the youth and families at St. Paul’s as the Youth Director, I can usually be found curled up with a book, attempting a craft project, or hanging out with Dave and our small menagerie of animals.


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