Having Courage

Psalm 88 • Psalm 91, 92
Judges 9: 1-16, 19-21 • Acts 4: 13-31 • John 2: 2-12

The opening line of the lesson from Acts this morning points to the actions of Peter and John. The New Revised Standard Version tells us they spoke with boldness. While the CEB calls it confidence and the NIV names their behavior courage. What’s the difference: boldness, confidence, and courage?

The apostles we uneducated, ordinary, and inexperienced men. At least that was the way that the council perceived them. So, they were surprised by the way they spoke and that they had been with Jesus.

It is admirable to be bold, to take risks. It is yet another thing to be confident, to have firm trust in the risk you are taking. And even more so to have courage, to be bold and confident even when you are frightened.

The disciples were emboldened, confident, and courageous because of their trust in God and what they knew about Jesus who loved them. We can me sure in this truth as well.

May we be so bold as to speak truth in the face of those who perceive us to be something other than who we are. May we be so confident as to know when what we have to say is true. May we have the courage to speak truth and live authentically even in the face of those who threaten us.

Written by Samantha Clare, Director of Christian Formation

Samantha Clare coordinates our formation programs across the whole lifespan, collaborating with our staff and parishioners to develop opportunities for members of our congregation to grow in faith as disciples of Jesus. She lives a full and beautiful life with her husband, step-daughter, baby, two dogs, a cat, and a garden at their little house overlooking the White River in West Fork. 


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