Be Like John

Psalm 97, 99, [100] • Psalm 94, [95]
Judges 13: 1-15 • Acts 5: 27-42 • John 3: 22-36

Authority—who has it? Governors? Policemen? Citizens? Today’s reading from Acts cites God as authority. As Peter puts it: “We must obey God rather than men.”

Recently, someone damaged our Black Lives Matter sign for the third time. Perhaps they felt that they had the authority to do so. They didn’t like the sign, so they tore it down! Within a matter of hours, we put it right back! Though ripped from its grommets, we made new holes, secured it with strong tape, rehung it for all to see. 

When John Lewis made his first attempt to cross the bridge from Selma to Montgomery, we know the story—their protest was peaceful, but Alabama troopers believed they had the authority to stop them. They didn’t like the protest, so they attempted to “tear them down.” Two days later, bruised and bandaged, John was back on the bridge, ready to cross it with even more protesters. By the end of March, 1965, they crossed that bridge and all the world saw it. 

In Acts, Peter and the disciples faced death at the hands of the high priest for having taught of Jesus’ message of peace and love in the temple. Though the high priest believed he had authority over the disciples, Council member Gamaliel saw it differently: “Leave them alone. For if this counsel, or this work is of men, it will be overthrown. But if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow it, and you would be found even to be fighting against God.” They were released and continued their good work.

God authorizes us to love everyone. It may be painfully snubbed at times; it may be rudely unwelcomed, but God is love. Stand with God’s authority. Keep crossing the bridge, keep hanging the sign. Be like John!

Written by Linda C. Jones

Linda has been an active member of St. Paul’s since 2000.  She serves as Associate Verger and sings in the Choir.


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