History Lesson

AM Psalm 105:1-22 • PM Psalm 105:23-45
2 Samuel 15:1-18 • Acts 21:27-36 • Mark 10:32-45

So much of the Old Testament is telling the story of the history of the People of God.  God is angry.  God is protective.  God is punishing.  God is rescuing.  God is working his purpose out.  God is acting in their lives.

Psalm 105 is full of the positive actions in the lives of the Israelites.  There is so much praise and thanksgiving for God in their lives.

I started remembering times when God was actively present in my life.  My survival of a traumatic birth.  Having three wonderful women to raise me: my mother, grandmother, and aunt.  My survival of several medical issues.  The time when I was 12 and my parakeet was stuck between the screen and the window.  I tried and tried to get him to come down with no success.  Then I sat and prayed as hard as I knew how.  Immediately, the silly bird found his way down and out.  I knew it was answer to prayer. The gift of my children and grandchildren.  Enough already – there are so many more!

What is your story?  Your history?  Where, when, how have you known God working in your life?  What are the blessings?  Where are the answered prayers?  How have you seen God working in your life?  When have you had to rely on God?

 May your history show you God in your life.

Written by Jacqui Brandli

I left Fayetteville in 1966 and returned in 2010.  In all those 44 years I wanted to come “home” to Fayetteville.  Finally, my wonderful husband and God said “Yes”!


Was blind, but now I see

