Spiritual Hunger

Psalm 102 • Psalm 107:1-32
Judges 14:20—15:20 • Acts 7:17-29 • John 4:43-54

During this time it is difficult to find things to be thankful for every day. Our lives have moved online and social media divisions have deepened. We crave companionship that includes hugs, handshakes, and face-to-face meetings. Yet, Psalm 107 calls us to give thanks for the steadfast love of God. This love is always present, even during a pandemic. It connects us to God, even in the moments when we feel most alone. 

“For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.” — Psalm 107:9

God calls us to seek a relationship with Him as He seeks one with us. We will never be perfect and will have moments of doubt, however we all experience a longing for something beyond what we can see. It is through this longing that we will find God and be truly fulfilled. As Christians, we have a spiritual appetite that we must acknowledge. Just as we eat when we are hungry, we should seek God when we feel that deep hunger in our soul. It is important to strive to find fulfillment in the journey and not solely focus on what you’re longing for. Our relationship with God is dynamic and has no endpoint. God is present on Earth, but to feel his presence you must be searching for it. His love and works shine through the brokenness of humanity and his presence satisfies the longing soul.

Written by Hadley Thomas

Hadley is currently a biochemistry student at Colorado School of Mines and hopes to attend medical school to become a Navy physician. She is passionate about her faith and is excited to share her perspective and interpretations with the amazing congregation of Saint Paul’s. 


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