The Meaning of Words

AM Psalm 107:33-43, 108:1-6(7-13) • PM Psalm 33
2 Samuel 16:1-23 • Acts 22:17-29 • Mark 11:1-11

One of my favorite literary selections about the meaning of words is from chapter 6 in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass. Humpty Dumpty asks Alice what her name means. Alice responds, “Must a name mean something?” “Of course, it must!” Humpty Dumpty exclaims. The readings for today underscore the importance of understanding the meaning of words and using them appropriately.

Psalm 33 focuses on the power of God’s Word Who spoke/sang everything into existence. (“For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.”) . Psalm 107 adds to our view of God’s power – it is good: it gives us God’s grace and thereby gives us rivers, springs of water, and a fruitful land.

Not everyone, however, uses language as God intends. In 2 Samuel 16, Ziba lies to David telling him that “Today the house of Israel will restore the kingdom of my father to me.” He does this for his personal gain, hurting numerous others with his un-truth.

The selections from Acts and Mark illustrate that language when used honestly and civilly can establish common ground between group of people. When Paul is arrested (Acts 22, verse 28), he calmly says that he is a Roman citizen and those who were about to examine him “immediately let go of him.” When Jesus prepares (according to Mark) to enter into Jerusalem, he instructs his disciples on how to ask politely to borrow a donkey for Jesus to ride: “The Lord hath need of it.”

So how are we to use language, especially in this age of social media? From our readings for today, I would say that God is instructing us to be truthful and civil in our use of language.

Written by Karen Hodges

...who loves studying how language works and tries hard to be honest and civil.


Blessed Mary


Was blind, but now I see