Life Happens

AM Psalm 140, 142 • PM Psalm 141, 143:1-11(12)
Job 2:1-13 • Acts 9:1-9 • John 6:27-40

It is very easy to give thanks and to pray to God when things are going well. I love to read the book of Job, because he reminds us that even when terrible or unspeakable events happen—God continues to be present in our lives. We can all relate to moments when we question God, just as Job’s wife did, questioning Job’s faithfulness in the midst of continued loss. Job replies, “You speak as any foolish woman would speak. Shall we receive the good at the hand of God, and not receive the bad?” I think this sums up a more secular sentiment that “Life Happens”.

Life does indeed happen. Through this journey called life, prayer and conversation with God helps manage the myriad emotions that come with life. Bob Hostetler shares in his article “How to Pray Like Job”, to pray what is really on your mind (God knows anyway), ask God to speak, keep asking, accept correction, and wait.

In our current society of instant gratification, the ability to wait may be the hardest step. Remember that God’s timing is not our timing and waiting may be an important part of God’s plan.

Written by Susie Norys

...who is working on prayer and talking honestly to God.


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