Sneaky Jesus

AM Psalm 86 • Genesis 28:10-17 • John 1:43-51
PM Psalm 15, 67 • Isaiah 66:1-2,18-23 • 1 Peter 5:1-11

One of my favorite characteristics of God is the way God always surprises me. I love the stories of sneaky Jesus in the Gospels. I chuckle at the sneaky way the Spirit shows up in my daily life in little and big ways. God is always up to something.

John’s Gospel is very clear on who Jesus is, where he came from, and what he is here to do. In the very first chapter, Jesus is already recruiting disciples! The author of John’s Gospel has no time for Christmas stories or Jesus’s early family life.

But who is this guy? Where did he come from? Nathanael, one of the disciples has doubts. Can anything good come out of Nazareth? That backwater, hillbilly place? I don’t know anyone good or powerful, smart or rich who came from there.

Enter sneaky Jesus. He’s been keeping an eye on Nathanael even before Philip could tell him about this new guy in town. Jesus knows Nathanael, truly sees him as Philip introduces them to each other. Nathanael recognizes him as Rabbi, Son of God, and King of Israel.

Jesus promises that he will see and believe even greater things—heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.

May we stay alert with eyes open, ready to see the sneaky presence of God in our lives, especially when She shows up in the least likely of places.

Written by Angela Tyler-Williams

…who is usually delighted by and sometimes rolls her eyes at the sneaky presence of God.


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The Spirit Gives Life