God Gives and God Takes

AM Psalm 18:1-20 • PM Psalm 18:21-50
1 Kings 3:16-28 • Acts 27:27-44 • Mark 14:12-26

It has been difficult to focus on the readings today. The current news cycle includes the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti and the evacuations of people from Afghanistan. An interview with a survivor of the quake, a mother that lost her two sons, wanted her family to know that she was OK, because “God Gives and God Takes.” I can’t get this out of my head.

Today’s readings tell of rescue, but it is Psalm 18 that seems to speak directly of Haiti and this mother. It is as if an earthquake is taking place. Surely, she felt as if “breakers of death” rolled over her and as she learned her sons had died, “the cords of hell entangled” her. As she was brought out of the rubble, with the truth of how everything around her was drastically different, I can’t help but wonder what that was like. I envision full daylight, eye blinding light, coupled with overwhelming relief in the midst of overwhelming pain.

Her statement of faith is also like this. Fully out in the open, fully grounded in acceptance and knowing that God is with us in our suffering and in our joy.

God is the great allower.

Written by Susie Norys

A fellow human trying to make sense of God and the world around her.


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