Joining the Great Cloud

AM Psalm 16, 17 • PM Psalm 22
1 Kings 5:1-6:1,7 • Acts 28:1-16 • Mark 14:27-42

I am thrilled to sit here writing the preliminary piece to the resurrection of Morning Reflections at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. I am also so glad you, dear reader, are here with me reading what I hope will be a part of your ongoing spiritual formation. May the morning reflections, written by members of your own parish, nourish your spirit and challenge you in spiritual growth. Taking a few moments each day to consider the appointed readings for the day is a wonderful and life-giving practice. When we take time to read, mark, and inwardly digest scripture, when we take time to consider the works of the holy people who have come before us, our lives are illuminated.

The commemorations which our writers are invited to use as fodder for their morning reflections come from a resource entitled Great Cloud of Witnesses. I like to think we are also a part of that great cloud. Our writers, members of St. Paul's who feel called to engage with scripture in this way, and you our readers—we are holy people. Our experience and understanding reveals the nature of God.

The Psalm appointed for this morning concludes in this way, “You will show me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness and joy, and in your right hand are pleasures for evermore.” It is my sincere hope that these morning reflections will be an invitation to you. That through them God might show you the path of life, fullness and joy, and great pleasure.

Written by Samantha Haycock

Samantha has a passion for spreading Jesus’ call for social justice, and she helps people to make connections between their daily and spiritual lives so that they can bring their whole and authentic selves to the world.


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