The Light (and Dark) of the World

AM Psalm 37:1-18 • PM Psalm 37:19-42
Job 16:16-22,17:1,13-16 • Acts 13:1-12 • John 9:1-17

I once heard someone describe why they continued to choose bad places in their life like this: they said, “It’s like there’s two holes I have to choose from. One hole is filled with writhing, poisonous snakes and the other hole is dark and quiet. I’m gonna choose the hole with snakes, because I know snakes.” 

Will Gaffney writes: There is light and dark, shadow and more than fifty shades of gray. The darkness and light co-exist. There is always shadow. We can’t see in the dark. We trip over the smallest thing. But it is not the dark that hurts us. It is our own limitations. Because of our blindness Christ lights our way. Christ is the light that allows us to see the light in all people and all situations.

When Jesus says in John 9:5 “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” I couldn’t help but think of Rev. Gary Davis, a gospel and blues musician, who was so moved by this verse that he wrote one of my favorite songs of his. 

With all of the limitations and darkness he experienced growing up (racism, cruelty, blindness, poverty) Rev. Davis celebrated the light that co-existed with the darkness in his life through his remarkable guitar playing and the songs he wrote from scripture and Bible stories that he loved. 

Enjoy I Am the Light of the World by Rev. Gary Davis.

Written by Kathy McGregor

...who has appreciated the coolness brought on by the dark of night from the hot light of summer days.


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