
AM Psalm 37:1-18 • PM Psalm 37:19-42
1 Kings 11:1-13 • James 3:13-4:12 • Mark 15:12-21

It’s not often that I find so clear a message running through the lectionary readings for the day, but today’s readings clearly weave together cautionary tales of the fall of the wicked and mighty who set their site on earthly things; and lessons of hope for the humble faithful who set their site on God.

Psalm 37 provides us with comforting, prayerful instruction on how we may find patience, hope and trust, especially in trying times.

1 Kings 11:1-13 is a cautionary tale in which King Solomon, overtaken with greed, turned his heart from God and takes a mighty fall from grace.

James 3:13-4:12 reinforces the instruction given in the previous readings by providing us with lessons on the two kinds of wisdom (pure vs. earthly).

And, finally, the reading from Mark gives us insight to and provides a clear warning on how mob mentality loses sight of the truth and succumbs to the dangers of peer pressure.

The readings for today helped me understand the hope and wisdom we gain when we fall into God’s love vs. the danger of losing ourselves, our hope, and our faith when we fall away from God’s love.

Written by Kathy McGregor

...who is always grateful to be reminded to fall up, not down!


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