
Psalm 37:1-18 • Psalm 37:19-42
Job 16:16-22, 17:1,13-16 • Acts 13:1-12 • John 9:1-17

Jesus puts mud on a blind man’s eyes and sends him to wash in the pool of Siloam. The man does what Jesus asks and regains his sight. People are skeptical and disbelieving, and the authorities (Pharisees) try to discredit the healer. Miracles, being miracles, stagger the imagination. It’s human nature to doubt what happened, to try to find other explanations, to question the validity of the reporting, the credentials of the healer, etc. This happens today as well as in Jesus’ time.

I remember when I first allowed the reality of a miracle to enter my consciousness. It was over 20 years ago. A young child’s cleft palate closed right before he was scheduled for surgery – as a result of prayer and compassionate energy work by an experienced healer. When the parents took the child in for surgery, there was nothing to operate on, no cleft palate! To make it even more improbable, the healer was in Arkansas and the child was in England. Within a few minutes, my view of reality changed, my world turned upside down! THERE ARE THINGS GOING ON THAT I CAN’T EXPLAIN OR UNDERSTAND. OH, MY GOD!!

I am so grateful that this reading took me back to that moment of awe and mystery when I first believed in a miracle. I often lose that sense in the busyness of my daily life. It was a life-changer, the beginning of a journey that led to becoming a therapist, to joining the Episcopal Church, and to learning and practicing Healing Touch. I will be eternally thankful for that experience. I pray that the Holy Spirit will help us all have more moments of awe and mystery.

Written by Cathy Campbell

Cathy is a semi-retired professional counselor and Healing Touch Practitioner. She used to make a joyful sound in the choir and now does Healing Touch from a distance. She advocates for marginalized groups, especially LGBTQ people. 


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