Walking by His Light

Psalm 45 • Psalm 47, 48
Job 29:1-20 • Acts 14:1-18 • John 10:31-42

Job may as well have been in Fayetteville, this week, speaking to us from a socially- distanced street corner with a cloth mask on his face. His words are so very timely.

“Oh, that life was like it used to be.” (Job 29:2)

How many times have we said this since mid-March? We long for life as it was when our schedules were predictable, our friendships were in person, our hugs did not stop at the elbow and worship was “like it used to be.”  

Job yearned for life with family, home, health, and financial stability. He was blessed in his relationship with God but he missed the days when he felt God’s closeness.

He cried out for life when God “watched over me, when His lamp shone on my head and when I walked by His light in the dark” (Job 29:2-3).

Have you ever camped out in a dark forest? If so, you know the essential value of a headlamp. In our younger days, I remember camping and wearing a headlamp after dark to ensure I did not stumble on a path. The headlamp did not snuff out the darkness. It just made it possible to find my way safely to my tent. 

His Light is what we need during this time of dark sorrow in our country. Let us pray that God’s lamp will shine for us to find not our way but His way, a way higher than ours (reference Isaiah 55:9). During this time of quarantine, how have we sought His Light even more?

Written by Barbara Batson

Barbara is thankful for the Bible study, worship, music, prayers and community witness of St. Paul’s. She depends on this verse: “You are the one who lights my lamp – the Lord my God illumines my darkness.” (Psalm 18:28).


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