God's Presence

AM Psalm 63:1-8 (9-11), 98 • PM Psalm 103
1 Kings 12:21-33 • Acts 4:18-31 • John 10:31-42

My sister was visiting Arkansas not long ago. When we turned into the driveway, we saw a red tailed hawk sitting on the fence post. Quiet, watchful, and beautiful. As we neared, the hawk took off in flight. My sister watched, transfixed, and said, “God's Presence.”

There are hours, or days, or weeks, when we are eagerly seeking God, as in Psalm 63, “My soul thirsts for you, my flesh faints for you.” It may be a time of trial, when the world seems to not be going our way and we are literally crying out for God. It may be reading or watching the news and seeing the struggles of people too far away to help. We demand to hear God or see God or to have some indication that God is with us and the people in need. We want to feel His hand, holding fast, keeping us and the world safe.

Psalm 98 reminds us that God is present—everywhere. All of creation joins in the chorus to praise God. Nature is fully animated and fully God. “Let the sea make a noise and all that is in it, the lands and those who dwell therein. Let the rivers clap their hands, and let the hills ring out with joy before the Lord.” If all of creation is fully full of God, how easy it is to see God. Simply step out the door. Watch. Listen. Feel. Smell. God's Presence.

Written by Susie Norys

Susie is a lifelong Episcopalian, loves being Mom to Sarah and Jack, and is enjoying the “empty nest” years with her husband Jim. Falling into education as a second career, she is passionate about the early childhood years and currently works for Arkansas State University providing training and assistance to our NWA preschool teachers and programs.


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