Comfort in Grief

Psalm 50 • Psalm [59, 60] or 93, 96
Job 29:1, 31:1-23 • Acts 15:1-11 • John 11:17-29

I’ve been thinking about grief a lot lately. Specifically, I have been thinking about the way in which the global pandemic and social unrest have bubbled up, uncovered, and bidden grief. Each day we are confronted by a daily count of the sick, dying, and dead. It seems like every day there is another victim of gun violence. Natural disasters threaten safety across our nation. All of these occasions for grief. 

Because of physical distancing, I’ve found that I am unable to grieve in the ways I normally might, the ways I have learned to walk through loss towards healing. I cannot gather in person with community. I cannot embrace my friends. I cannot sit silently in prayer in the presence of others. And so, over the past few months I have found myself overcome with grief without knowing exactly how to sit with in a way that will lead to wholeness.

Martha and Mary are grieving too. The loss of their brother Lazarus is overwhelming to be sure. As individuals they grieve in different ways; lashing out, turning in, reckoning, wrestling, surrendering. In the midst of their loss, Jesus arrives to comfort them. To reassure them that there is life beyond pain and sorrow. God promises them that death is not the end.

Jesus is here for us now in this current moment too, comforter of our heartache. More is promised to us than our current reality. God promises, Jesus provides us, life.

Written by Samantha Clare

Samantha Clare loves Jesus, fresh cut flowers, and baby snuggles. 


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