Change the Me’s to You’s

AM Psalm 75, 76 • PM Psalm 23, 27
Esther 2:5-8,15-23 or Judith 5:1-21 • Acts 17:16-34 • John 12:44-50

If you ask me to pray for you, of course I will say, yes. I will pray for you; I just may not know what to pray or how to pray it. So, I turn to the Psalms and try to use it as my prayer book. I just change the “me’s” to “you’s.” In the 23rd Psalm, I’m not praying for me, I’m praying for you.

The Lord is your shepherd.
You want for nothing; you have all you need.

God makes you lie down in green pastures,
And leads you beside the still waters–
God restores your soul.

God guides your path in what is good and just and right
For the sake of God’s Holy Name.

And even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
You fear no evil 
For God is with you.

God’s correction and protection–
They comfort you.

God prepares a feast at a table for you 
In the presence of your enemies.

God anoints your head with oil
Your cup overflows with blessings.

Surely goodness and loving kindness follow you
Every day of your life.

And you dwell in the presence of God

Written by Troy Schremmer

Troy works with preschool age children as an enrichment teacher in music and movement. He also sings songs at our public library and volunteers as a teacher-helper in Children’s Sunday School.


What Then Should We Do?

