Being Put Under the Microscope

AM Psalm 105:1-22 • PM Psalm 105:23-45
2 Kings 18:28-37 • 1 Cor. 9:1-15 • Matt. 7:22-29

Today I identify deeply with Paul’s apparent defensiveness in his first letter to the Corinthians. He essentially says, “Why am I being put under such a powerful microscope? Are you worried that I am enjoying pleasures I don’t deserve?” (1 Corinthians 9:1 “Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are you not my work in the Lord?”)

As an accountant, my mind immediately goes to the annual audit of our books. A person outside my company comes in and asks, “What do these entries mean? Why did you record them this way? Do you have receipts and check stubs to prove it?” For weeks that stretch on and on, I provide proof after proof, and eventually I get weary. I feel like the auditor is quibbling about minor details when he asks to see a stub for a check for $27. My feathers get ruffled and I want to ask, “Why am I being put under such a powerful microscope?” But when I reflect on why he is asking all the questions, it is clear that all the power that comes with being an accountant is very tempting for some to abuse.

I’d imagine the same is happening to Paul with this letter. The congregations that he started know that he has a lot of influence over them. There are some who worry that he could abuse that power. How can they know that they are following a true apostle of Christ and not some cult leader who will lead them astray? The only way they can know is to examine him and keep asking for those reassuring proofs of sincerity. It is reassuring to me to know that Paul seems to get testy with the close examination just like me.

Written by Haley Hixson

I am a mentor for Education for Ministry and a member of the Young Adult Ministry. I usually go to the 11:00 service, but sometimes I go to 8:45 so I can get started on a Sunday hike sooner!


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