A Timely Reminder

Psalm 105:1-22 • Psalm 105:23-45
Hosea 5:8-6:6 • Acts 21:27-36 • Luke 6:1-11

Oftentimes I find reading the Old Testament a challenge. Today’s readings seem to be perfectly scheduled. The Prophet Hosea is living in turbulent times. Reading about this era seems somewhat familiar to our current day. I find myself thinking of the phrase, “The more things change, the more things stay the same.” Some days the polarization of our current reality leaves one despondent and it is just too much to absorb.

The reading from Hosea is not all rosy, but it does remind us to have hope. “”Let us know, let us press on to know the Lord; his appearing is as sure as the dawn; he will come to us like the showers, like the spring rains that water the earth.”

I read these words and I feel them. I am refreshed, I taste the cool rains, I feel a cool breeze and I breathe in new life.

Written by Susie Norys

Trying my best to listen for God and to love my neighbor.


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