On to Rome!

Psalm 106:1-18 • Psalm 106:19-48
Hosea 14:1-9 • Acts 22:30 - 23:11 • Luke 6:39-49

How Paul responded to threats from other Jews, while in the custody of Romans is a fascinating story which has been unfolding in the past two chapters of Acts. He had the courage to tell his conversion story in front of a hostile crowd. He used legalisms (I am a Jew, I’m a Roman citizen) to avoid torture. He apologized for insulting a high priest who had ordered others to strike him on the mouth. He set Pharisees and Sadducees against each other to take attention off himself.

He scrambled verbally to keep himself safe while being true to God, to Jesus, to himself at the same time. Yet he would give up his safety, if necessary, to maintain his integrity. He testified about the love of Jesus wherever he was, no matter who he was with, and what the danger was.

I am in awe of that kind of courage, that kind of presence. I know how I have trouble speaking clearly when I’m scared. I know that I’m tempted to pull back from being completely forthright if I might get in trouble or cause trouble. Paul is a good role model for me. He stepped out of the way of trouble and pain when he could, but never at the cost of his core beliefs and core mission, given to him on the road to Damascus.

And yet the irony, and the nature of spiritual growth and a spiritual life, is that we’re never done. There’s always the next step, the next challenge. Which is what God presented Paul with at the very end of today’s reading. “Keep up your courage! For just as you have testified for me in Jerusalem, so you must bear witness also in Rome.”

I can pray for myself and all of us, that when we’ve survived our Jerusalem, let us have the courage and will to continue to Rome.

Written by Cathy Campbell

Cathy is a semi-retired professional counselor and Healing Touch Practitioner. She now practices Healing Touch at a distance. She advocates for marginalized groups, especially LGBTQ people.


Faith & Compassion


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