Yes! There is a God!

Psalm 119:1-24 • Psalm 12, 13, 14
Jonah 1:17 - 2:10 • Acts 27:9-26 • Luke 9:1-17

Have you ever experienced such a devastating year as 2020?? Already these 10 months have spewed forth a pandemic, wildfires, hurricanes, violent protests, abuse of peoples of color, murdering hornets, governmental discord, loss of jobs and income—devastation all around. Indeed, Psalm 14 exclaims that some cry “There is no God!” And why not?! With all that has happened, many question God’s existence at all.

Our best comeback to such desolation is to respond through actions that demonstrate God’s presence among us. God’s never-ending participation in our lives is made manifest when we show our love for each other. We wear masks to protect strangers and friends; we offer assistance to those in need; we send money and goods to help during natural disasters; we peacefully protest in support of human rights. And we internally manifest God’s presence within us through calming gestures of centering prayer, three breaths, or other prayerful, meditative strategies to help us heal and strengthen ourselves emotionally and spiritually so that we can keep on keeping on.

God is present with us and within us even during the worst of times. Through our patience, wisdom and actions, we can demonstrate that God is already doing more within our lives and within the lives of those who do not believe than they could ever imagine. In this difficult period, we can remain united with God and share God’s power with each other by doing small, creative things that touch lives in profound ways. 

Written by Linda C. Jones

Associate Verger, Chorister, and Lay Reader.  She is currently taking the course Second Breath which provides an understanding of God’s presence within.  The course teaches the practice of the three breaths, centering prayer, physical scans and so on.  Look for its next offering at St. Paul’s.


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