In a Ditch

Psalm 38 • Psalm 119:25-48
Ecclus. 7:4-14 • Revelation 8:1-13 • Luke 10:25-31

The readings for the Daily Office always provide variety. The ones for today are no exception. The Psalms always have a bit of something to chew on. Ecclesiasticus has good advice for how to live faithfully today despite being written over 2000 years ago! Revelation – well, that is almost always a puzzle to me. And the Gospel! The parable of the Good Samaritan. Nothing new there surely. But, wait. What if I look at it from a different angle?

I don’t think anyone reading this has much of a doubt of who our neighbor is. We know this story all too well. But what is my response to it? I don’t expect to ever pull someone out of a ditch, put them up in the Hampton Inn, and pay all their medical expenses. What am I called to do?

Right now, we all are in a “ditch” of anxiety, fear, isolation, and maybe some depression. What could be my response? What about a note or a card mailed (yes, with a stamp) to someone. “Thinking about you.” One “advantage” of COVID, I’m not as hesitant to make a phone call to someone as I usually am. Just a simple, “How are you?” “I miss you.” And then listen. Even an email or a text message might help someone. I’m a smiler but with my mask on no one can tell that. But I can say, “Good morning” or “Good afternoon” to people in Harps or Target. Nothing big, but maybe a little something to help someone out of their “ditch."

Written by Jacqui Brandli

Finding solace sitting in her rocking chair on her back porch watching the wildlife come by.


Go and Do Likewise


Rejection of Jesus