A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

AM Psalm 31 • PM Psalm 35
Ezra 3:1-13 • 1 Cor 16:10-24 • Matt. 12:22-32

Today’s news holds promise that perhaps we can rebuild our house (other days I hold my breath). I read that Congress approved legislation to keep our government running through December 3. I read that Arkansas legislators working on a redistricting map have “moved the needle on consensus.” I see a picture of 2 smiling governors christening the Bella Vista bypass together. But just so I don’t get too carried way with happiness, I read several articles about the continuing wrangling over wearing masks and getting vaccinated. One of the editorials has a fitting headline “Come, let us reason together.”

In doing my research for today’s reflection, I learned that Tuesday, September 21 was the first day of this year’s Sukkot, the Feast of Huts/Booths/Tabernacles. Sukkot recalls the days in Jewish history when the Israelites lived in huts during their years of wandering in the wilderness after their Exodus from Egypt. It is a celebration, an offering of thanksgiving to God for the fruitfulness of the land that sustained/sustains them/us.

Today’s selections from the Psalms underscore what happens when a family/house is divided – “slander” from David’s perspective against him from jealous family members. But the selection from Ezra focuses on rebuilding and offering burnt offerings in Thanksgiving, and in his letter to the people of Corrinth, Paul asks for support for Timothy who is helping him spread the “good news.”

“Let all you do be done in love,” adds Paul. Come let us not only reason together, but love together.

Written by Karen Hodges

...who greatly appreciates the opportunity to keep learning through writing for Morning Reflections. Thanks be to God!


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