With a Grin

Psalm 66 • Isaiah 28:9-16 • Ephesians 4:1-16

Psalm 116, 117 • Isaiah 4:2-6 • John 14:15-31

Bear with one another in love.

Paul wrote that to the folks in Ephesus a long time ago. Pretty good words to live by then and now.

Be gentle with each other. 
Stay humble and be patient with one another.  

Can you imagine how life would play out if more of us actually were gentle with each other? Sometimes a little patience goes such a long, long way.

Times being what they are (2020 being what it is) we all get plenty of opportunities to try and apply Paul’s directives. 


God, because You can do infinitely more than I can ever ask or imagine, 
let me be gentle today
and humble
and just a little more patient
and please, please help me put up with all these other people!
—with a grin, of course.

Written by Troy Schremmer

Troy works with preschool age children as an enrichment teacher in music and movement. He and his wife Jonny (who teaches older children) are both still at work. Many thanks for all the prayers for our family (and students and co-workers).


Striving for Congruence


The Wisdom of God