The Seed, The Yeast, and the Narrow Door

Psalm [70], 71 • Psalm 74
Ecclus. 44:1-15 • Rev. 16:12-21 • Luke 13:18-30

In our gospel reading today Jesus gives us three images of the Kingdom of heaven. In case you don’t already know, mustard seeds are tiny and grow into big and hearty bushes. The yeast is a more engaging analogy, as it is a microscopic thing that activates with the flour and creates a living and growing thing.

The narrow door is a more challenging one for those of us who like to think of an inclusive God. “Will only a few be saved?” he was asked by a crowd who were so used to the idea of there being an exclusive group of few being chosen. “Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will try and not be able” Jesus responds.

It is easy to read this in a way that makes us feel like someone trying to get into a crowded event (remember those?), and it is easy to worry that somehow we would not qualify. However, much like the parable of the camel and the eye of the needle, it’s not about being turned away as much as it is about not being willing to come through. The door may be narrow but it is open, and we have to decide if we are willing to do what it takes to walk through. The “narrowness” of the door is God’s invitation to leave our sin and the trials of this world behind, and it is up to us to do so.

This can allow tiny things to become mighty, and separate things to come together to grow.

Written by Dan Robinson

Dan Robinson is the Director of Media Ministries at St Paul’s, streaming the services online.


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