Joy Breaks Out in Heaven

Psalm 119:97-120 • Psalm 81, 82
Joel 2:12-19 • Rev. 19:11-21 • Luke 15:1-10

I can’t imagine two more unlikely groups to gather around Jesus as he talked about reasons for celebration in Luke 15. On the one hand, there are tax collectors and sinners eager to hear what He has to say. On the other hand, Pharisees and scribes are diligently keeping track of which laws He might break.

Jesus, of course, knew exactly why they were there. He always found or attracted those who needed to hear what He had to say.

Today He shared two stories of God’s love for all mankind. Like any good teacher, Jesus included the listeners in the story from the beginning. “Suppose someone among you...” (verse 4). Both groups listened attentively, if for different reasons.

We don’t know why the sheep left the flock. Perhaps in rebellion or maybe he just wandered off looking for “greener pastures.” That didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was a sheep was lost. His shepherd left the flock, searched for him, found him and brought him home. The shepherd then calls his friends and neighbors to celebrate the returned sheep.

There is also celebration when a woman loses one of her ten coins and turns the house upside down until she finds it.

Jesus does not leave us guessing the meaning of these beloved parables. Whether it is a sheep, a coin, a tax collector, scribe or Pharisee, “joy breaks out in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who changes both heart and life.” (verse 10).

Written by Barbara Batson

...who is desperately thankful for our Heavenly Father, our shepherd who “guides me (us) in proper paths for the sake of his good name.” (Psalm 23:3).


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