Take a Breath

Psalm 88 • Psalm 91, 92
Joel 2:28-3:8 • James 1:16-27 • Luke 16:1-9

I can be quick to react. If not out loud, at least in my head. Making snap judgements could be listed on my resume. I like to think I know what is right and good, that I am the owner of a strong moral compass with a vision for what the world could be, even should be.

The author of James tells us: “You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God’s righteousness.”

It is as if he is telling us to take a breath, center ourselves before reacting, listen and regulate your emotional response. This is something I need to hear. Especially this month, in this year, in this world.

St. Paul’s just concluded our most recent offering of a program called Second Breath. Each week the class is presented with an invitation to a spiritual practice to try on over the next few days. This one, I believe is important for us today:

Second Breath

We typically use frustration as an excuse to curse or project anger onto others. The next time you feel frustrated or impatient, notice it, and use it as an excuse to take a deep breath. See if the breath helps shift your energy and helps you be less “caught” by the frustration.

Written by Samantha Clare

Samantha Clare loves Jesus, fresh cut flowers, and baby snuggles.


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