A Friendly Reminder

Psalm 16, 17 • Psalm 22
Isa. 3:8-15 • 1 Thess. 4:1-12 • Luke 20:41-21:4

In this Gospel reading, Jesus tells his listeners; “In the hearing of all the people he said to the disciples, “Beware of the scribes”. Jesus continues speaking of the scribes in a way that shows how outward appearances and actions portray someone who is highly respected. Or at the very least, the scribes and people have created this identity.

I recently watched The Social Dilemma (Netflix). This documentary takes a look at social media and the platforms we use to search for information. What we, the consumer, may or may not know, is that technology is learning what we view, search, read and listen to. The complicated algorithms begin to understand our biases. Ultimately, we are fed information that matches our tendencies and our likes. I am sure each of us has a regular place to find our news. Perhaps it is one of the national networks, or perhaps it is found in print. Especially in this current world of isolation, social media and news helps us to connect to the outside world.

Depending on your choices, you are most likely reading, watching, viewing and reading news that matches your convictions. You are being fed information that matches your “likes” and the things you scroll past or “dislike” are slowly being filtered away. How can one be sure of the truth and facts in this fast paced world of constant information?

As followers of Jesus, we can be convicted in knowing that truth comes from a place of compassion. Are you hearing, reading, listening to, and searching information that considers the good of our beautiful earth, the widow, the orphan, the hungry, and the marginalized?

Beware of the scribes.

Written by Susie Norys

Wife, educator, and mom of 2 grown kids and 3 dogs.  Trying my best to listen for God and to love my neighbor.


“By your endurance you will gain your souls.” - Luke 21:19


Heavenly Intervention