The Author of Our Prosperity

AM Psalm 30, 32 • PM Psalm 42, 43
Isa. 8:1-15 • 2 Thess. 3:6-18 • Luke 22:31-38

If I haven’t learned anything from the pandemic, I have learned that prosperity is fragile. Think back to the spring of 2019. Fast forward to the spring of 2020. In months, life as we knew it was changed forever. Where we were once confident and secure of our future, we were suddenly plunged into insecurity.

Before COVID, I took so many things for granted—meeting friends for coffee, giving and receiving hugs, and traveling to be with loved ones during holidays. And just like David, I was filled with fear. As I watched the number of sick and dying increase, I wondered where God was in all the political infighting, intolerance, and blame. I prayed for a vaccine, I prayed for the caregivers on the front lines, and I prayed for the families who lost loved ones.

Psalm 30 teaches us that it’s easy to thank Him for our prosperity when things are going well. David learned this when he bargained and pleaded with God to rescue him from his enemies and death. And, when God did, David knew and understood with his whole being that prosperity is a gift from God. One that should come with a hefty dose of gratitude.

Written by Lisa Nance

Lisa Nance is a retired advertising copywriter. She and her 3-pound Yorkie, Dickens, enjoy walking around Lake Fayetteville.


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