Third Monday of Advent

AM Psalm 41, 52 • PM Psalm 44
Zech. 1:7-17 • Rev. 3:7-13 • Matt. 24:15-31

I can remember growing up and hearing the readings during the Advent season and being confused or abandoning any effort to listen. All the apocalyptic talk bothered me when all I noticed was baby Jesus in the manger or sang familiar hymns about O Holy Night.

Our readings for today do not disappoint in keeping with the tradition of confusion. Being older and wiser—I didn’t abandon the readings, but I did read them using Lectio Divina to guide my understanding. In Zechariah, Myrtle Trees are part of a vision, and I was drawn to this image and the fact that they are mentioned more than once. What is the significance of these trees?

The Myrtle Tree is a dense evergreen that begins as a shrub and grows slowly. When it completes its growth, its trunk is made of several stocks that have grown together over time and it is great in size, up to 24 feet, looking nothing like its humble start. The wood is used to create furniture or decorative pieces because the roots draw minerals from the soil, adding variety and color and complexity to the wood.

I think this tree represents us on our spiritual journey. We start out small and humble and over time, our experiences, and our encounters with God, begin to shape us. As our spiritual roots grow deeper, we gain understanding and become more complex, showing the many colors of our experiences. All our experiences build the person we are, whether we view them as blessings or obstacles. Each moment adds to the richness of our colors.

During this advent season of preparation and waiting for Jesus, may we each remember that “Faith is not for overcoming obstacles; it is for experiencing them—all the way through!” (Richard Rohr).

Written by Susie Norys

Loving this Advent Season and awaiting the coming of Jesus.


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