The Morning Star

Psalm 45 • Psalm 47, 48
Isa. 9:1-7 • 2 Pet. 1:12-21 • Luke 22:54-69

I’ve been waking up at 4 a.m. every morning with the baby, Benji. He never took to daylight savings time and none of our creative efforts to reset his sleep schedule have taken hold. So, we keep him up as late as we can manage in the evening and still he rises while the sky is still shrouded in darkness. Still hoping that he might take to a more reasonable waking hour. As I tend to his needs in the cold, dim house we wait together for the day to dawn and sometimes peak outside at the stars in the sky.

In Advent, we hear the prophecies of the Hebrew Bible pronouncing a world that is yet to come. The world groans and waits for the vision of the prophets to be realized, just as I wait with Benji for a new day each morning to do the work that God has given me to do.

When Jesus is born in just a couple of weeks, we will remember the promise made to us by God in the small, vulnerable child born into this chaotic world. Jesus will be born again in our hearts, filling us with love, joy, and the duty to share these gifts with others.

This morning I sit with Benji in my arms and think on these things. He is a baby, just like Jesus once was, a small tender child in need of care. May we remember to keep our eye on the morning star and keep our hearts on the love and joy that the prophets called for and that Jesus taught us to share.

Written by Samantha Clare

Samantha Clare loves Jesus, fresh cut flowers, and baby snuggles.


No, son, that’s not Tarzan. It’s John the Baptist


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