Fearful Awe
AM Psalm 50 • PM Psalm [59, 60] or 33
Zech. 4:1-14 • Rev. 4:9-5:5 • Matt. 25:1-13
“Truly the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him,
on those who hope in his steadfast love”
I’m not sure I could describe my relationship with God as fearful. Perhaps this is because I, maybe like you, understand fear in relationship to danger. I am afraid of things that I believe might cause me harm. I’ve certainly experienced this type of fear—while contemplating the possibility of a loved one’s death or hiking alone in bear country. Yet this is not a kind of fear that I associate with God.
How can one in the same breath fear God and put their hope in his steadfast love? Would a God who assures us of God’s unfailing, unconditional, unending love also pose a threat to our well-being?
I believe that when we fear God we do so out of awe and not terror. Our God is powerful and outside of our comprehension. When I contemplate God, I find myself in a state of admiration and reverence. I am not afraid that God will strike me down or cause me some harm because of my sinful, human, ways. Instead, I am fearful in admiration and led towards obedience because God is so wonderful that I can do nothing more than offer myself and my praise.
Written by Samantha Clare
Samantha Clare loves Jesus, fresh cut flowers, and baby snuggles.