Be still and know that I am God

AM Psalm 46, 48
1 Kings 3:5-14 • James 4:13-17, 5:7-11 • John 5:1-15

Eve of Holy Name
Psalm 90
Isa. 65:15b-25 • Rev. 21:1-6

So many readings for this day. So many good words, important words, comforting words, challenging words, warning words. No matter how many times I read these passages, I felt more and more overwhelmed by the words, promises, threats, stories. But each time there was the relief of “Be still and know that I am God.” Eventually I fixed on those eight words.

I am a person who wants to get things done. All things that I think are my responsibility. Things to accomplish. Plans to make. Worrying about things near and far. Now and in the future. I often feel overwhelmed and inadequate. Sometimes reading the Daily Lessons seems like too much. Too many words, thoughts, instructions burying me. Then a sequence of a few words is a cool, cleansing breeze clearing away all the noise in my head.

Be still and know that I am God.

Be still and know that I am.

Be still and know.

Be still.


You aren’t God

The Great I Am

All I need to know

Weave a silence around me

Not do. Just be is enough.

Simple gift. Thanks be to God.

Written by Jacqui Brandli

Still learning and growing in being still. And being grateful.


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