Annual Meeting: What To Listen For


This Sunday at 10:00 a.m., we will gather for an integral part of our parish life—the Annual Meeting. As I have mentioned before, there is only one occasion in The Episcopal Church for a parish-wide vote, and that is when a congregation elects members of the vestry. After that, we trust that the vestry will take care of all the other important decisions on our behalf, like setting a budget and choosing a rector. Back in December, we held a ballot to select four nominees for the vestry, and this Sunday we will officially elect them to a three-year term.

If that were the only piece of business at the Annual Meeting, we could finish in five minutes or less. Thankfully, there are other reasons to show up and tune in. Here are some things that I invite you to listen for at this year’s meeting.

Parish finances.

Did a full year of the pandemic negatively impact our giving? Are we confident in our financial health for the year ahead? In 2021, the vestry took the unusual step of adopting a deficit budget. Because of virtual-only worship, staying in touch with every household and reminding them to turn in a financial commitment was a challenge. With no end to the pandemic in sight, the vestry was unsure how significantly our finances would be impacted. Accordingly, the 2021 budget was fairly conservative in both projected income and expenses. At this year’s Annual Meeting, pay attention to how our giving and generosity enabled us to continue our programs and finish the year strong.

The new budget.

Will this year’s budget anticipate another deficit? Will we continue to grow in our commitments to outreach, formation, worship, and parish life? Although many of us still need to stay away from public gatherings, this year we were able to hold our Celebration Sunday brunch. That event and continued in-person worship helped us get the financial commitments we need to make an informed budget. Also, after a year of pandemic practices, the vestry is more confident that we will be able to carry out the programs we all know and love. Come and hear how the vestry plans to use your gifts to pursue God’s work in this church and in our community.

The endowment.

How much of our church’s ministries are supported by the endowment? If you were to leave an estate gift to St. Paul’s, would you be confident that the church would honor your wishes? Our endowment is overseen by a committee of five dedicated parishioners, who have entrusted the management of its investments to a local firm. After the committee decides how much can be distributed to support the church’s operations, the vestry decides the best way to use that money while still honoring the intentions of each donor. Listen for ways that the partnership between the endowment committee and the vestry enable ministries both now and in the future.

Outreach and justice.

What does it mean to celebrate and explore God’s infinite grace, acceptance, and love with members of our community who experience food insecurity, poverty, incarceration, and stigmatization? Are we simply giving money away to meet short-term needs, or are we building partnerships that promise to enact lasting change? One area of considerable growth at St. Paul’s this year has been outreach and justice. With the arrival of the Rev. Adelyn Tyler, we can expand our impact in the community and deepen the connection between the work we do and our identity as followers of Jesus. Look for opportunities to join those efforts as you hear reports on the projects and programs that excite you.

Formation for all ages.

What programs are being offered for people your age? What new opportunities for spiritual growth appeal to you? Our Sunday-morning lineup for children, youth, and adults is back to full capacity. Many of our weekday Bible studies, centering prayer sessions, and other formation groups are meeting in person and online. Some of us have needed to let go of those “extra” offerings in order to make room for the additional labor and effort required by the pandemic, but you may be ready to try something out for your own sake. Take a look at what is being offered now and what is planned for the months ahead and see how you might plug in for your own spiritual growth.

Pandemic precautions.

Will we ever be able to come to church together again? When will it be safe for all of us to be together on a Sunday morning? None of us has the answers to all of the questions we ask about the pandemic, but you can hear how the staff and I are planning for this year. We will continue to balance the need for doing the ministries of the church while making space for people to be safe. Bring your own reflections and questions about how we can best be the church in the months ahead.

If you are able to join us in person safely, come to the Annual Meeting in the parish hall at 10:00 a.m. this Sunday. If not, tune in using our YouTube livestream. Someone will be monitoring the chat if you have questions or comments to share. If you cannot watch live, take time to view the recording later on. This is a chance for all of us to learn about the health and vitality of St. Paul’s and to seek new ways to support the church we love with our time, talent, and treasure.

Yours Faithfully,



Wednesday Night Church


Annual Parish Meeting