Making Memories


Growing up, my summers were punctuated with extended stays with my grandparents, made all the more memorable when nearly all eleven cousins on my paternal grandparents’ side gathered at the farm in Gravette, just outside Centerton. I marveled at how much time our grandma spent in the kitchen and the abundance of food she created and the way our grandpa found some project to distract us for a while, usually involving a tractor ride. The memories we made were many and precious.

I hope the memories we make this summer at St. Paul’s will be many and precious, too.

Already, we know that we will grieve together, that we are grieving together. Soon we will bid farewell to Samantha Clare (June 18) and then Deacon Kathy McGregor (July 9), both of whom have meant so much in the life of St. Paul’s. While they will be missed, we will send them to their next adventures with our blessing. We will also hold a service for Nicholas Evans who, in his precious life, touched the hearts of all who know and love him. It is only because we love that we grieve, and I cannot imagine any other way. Our lives are enriched by the love and care we give and receive, and I hope our memories with these wonderful souls will fuel stories for all our lives.

We are already making joyful memories, too, because life is full of all the feelings! VBS this week has the halls ringing with peels of laughter, children’s footsteps, and church bells; the staff finds creative ways to mark the time and get work done; and plans are underway to celebrate Pride weekend as fully as possible. There’s also a Naturals game where the choir will sing the national anthem (July 9), a parish work day (July 15), and AIC Choir Camp’s Festival Day (July 29) in our future. While I hope many will get a Camp Mitchell experience this summer, I only somewhat joked that it’s “summer camp” at St. Paul’s during Evan’s sabbatical. These weeks are full of meaningful, memory-making occasions, and everyone is invited to participate in some way.

Even if your summer plans take you away from Fayetteville, know that we are here, worshiping God, providing the hospitality, sharing the love, and making memories that will tell the story of how we work together to strengthen this Body of Christ in a way that only we can, with God’s help. We miss you when you’re away, and we look forward to your return. Thanks to each of you for your ongoing prayers for Evan and his family during the sabbatical and for St. Paul’s, me, and all our staff and volunteers as we continue in our work.



Wednesday Dinner Menu


Candidates for Bishop Announced