The Bible As Literature

Adult Forum: Sundays at 10 a.m.
YouTube Livestream with Zoom Discussion

Starting November 1, The Rev. Dr. Lora Walsh will teach a four-part Adult Forum series on The Bible As Literature.

Christian readers sometimes focus so much on figuring out what the Bible says that we miss all the joy, surprise, and beauty in how the Bible says it. This series reveals the literary techniques and artistic touches that are almost always lost in contemporary English translations of the Bible.

These techniques have fancy names like “intensification parallelism” and “delayed narrative exposition,” but this series will show how simple and effective these techniques can be once we know how they work. These techniques also reveal a God who delights us with well-crafted stories and perfectly chosen words.

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The literary translation and commentary on Genesis used in this series comes from Robert Alter’s Five Books of Moses (Norton, 2008).


Series Dates

November 1, 2020

November 15, 2020

November 22, 2020

November 29, 2020


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