Youth Branch Groups

“Branching” off from the main EYC offering, these small groups are small, informal online gatherings around a shared interest, book, hobby, or activity.

How to Register

Register by emailing Emma Mitchell by Thursday, March 4. All online meeting links available via weekly youth email or EYC groupme.

March Offerings

Baking Group
Sundays, 3:00 p.m.

Ingredients will be provided weekly. Join us online as we bake a simple recipe together.

Lenten Crafts Group
Sundays, 5:00 p.m.

Using the supplies from the Lenten boxes, we'll make a craft do an activity together based around the season of Lent.

Knitting & Crochet Group
Mondays, 5:00 p.m.

Continuing from February, anyone is welcome to join in and stitch together, share projects, and chat!


Lenten Activity Boxes


March EYC Meetings