Community Emergency Outreach Thanks St. Paul's


26 January 2021

Dear Reverend Garner,

I am writing on behalf of the entire Cooperative Emergency Outreach (CEO) Board of Directors to thank you and everyone at St. Paul's for the stunning and unexpected end-of-year donations to CEO. Your wonderful gift was put to immediate use. CEO was able to increase the daily amount of our direct assistance to clients by one-third.

As you may know, CEO was organized 30 years ago to coordinate and consolidate delivery of assistance to citizens of Washington County facing dire situations such as illness, job loss, and natural disasters. We offer help with rent, utilities, gasoline, clothing, food, and prescriptions. CEO can also arrange temporary shelter for homeless people with young children. Last year CEO served over 14,000 people, dispensed $250,000 in direct assistance, and furnished 3-day supplies of food to clients in need. Your gift will be an enormous help in assisting people facing evictions and trouble paying for utilities during the pandemic.

Thank you most sincerely. In closing, permit me to request another favor from your congregation that has already done so much for CEO. It is this. Please pray for our dedicated and selfless volunteers and please pray for the people we serve.


Joseph D. Dushan


St. Paul's Sixth-Grader Featured in Kids Mag


Monthly Giving Summary