Children’s Communion Workshop

Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Graders are invited to attend a communion workshop on Saturday, November 5, from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm. Lunch will be provided.

Celebrating God’s love for us in the Holy Eucharist is at the very center of the life we share. At St. Paul’s, we want our children to grow up knowing that they belong at God’s table.

During this interactive workshop, we will reinforce what our children learn about Holy Communion in Sunday school. We will talk about how we are forgiven and reconciled to God and each other through Jesus’ death and resurrection. We will explore how Communion is the principal way that we participate in that reconciled life as we receive Jesus’ body and blood in the bread and wine. And we will practice coming to the table to receive Communion. The next morning in church we will celebrate All Saints’ Day, which is a baptismal feast, making this a great time for all of us to remember God’s invitation to come to the table.

Many of your children already receive Communion each Sunday at St. Paul’s. The practice in the Episcopal Church is not to restrict access to Communion because of how young a child is—even as infants. This workshop is not designed to become a “first Communion” class, but it is a way for all of our children to learn more about Communion and become more comfortable receiving the sacrament. (And it's not a bad way for parents to learn a thing or two either!)

If you plan to join us that day, please let us know using this form.

Going forward, we plan to offer this workshop once a year, focusing primarily on third-graders. Children of any age are welcome to participate, especially this year. If you cannot join us this time but want to learn more before next year, please ask Samantha or your child’s Sunday school teachers about eucharistic formation.


All Saints’ Requiem Concert


Camp Mitchell Sunday