Covid-19 Safety Update

Update: August 5, 2021

Some changes since last week’s update:

  • Breakfast will resume on Sunday, August 8, with masks worn in serving line.

For more details about what to expect, please read Evan’s update here.

July 29, 2021

The CDC has issued new guidelines for people who live in areas of high Covid transmission which includes the communities we call home. While the vaccinated among us have little reason to worry about becoming seriously ill, the CDC has determined that we can still transmit the virus to our more vulnerable children and neighbors.

With this in mind, we ask not only that you wear masks in the building, but that you worship from home if you have even mild symptoms of a cold, a sore throat, or headache (since that is how the Delta virus seems to begin) and that you also worship from home if someone in your household has tested positive in the last ten days. It’s how we might best care for one another.

The CDC guidelines, along with the bishop’s recommendations, will mean a few things here at church for the time being:

  • We are to wear masks while in the church buildings, whether for worship, group ministries, or study.

  • Sunday breakfast is suspended until masks are no longer required.

  • The remaining children’s summer activities are cancelled or postponed.

  • Community Meals will be provided to-go.

  • We will get through this together.


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