King David pt. 2


Mondays at 10 a.m.
Facebook Live with online discussion

Starting January 25, The Rector's Bible Study explores a series on King David. 

Hailed as the greatest King of Israel and the one after God’s own heart, David is remembered as the leader who shepherded God’s people into greatness. Boy soldier, steadfast friend, military strategist, merciful leader, murderous adulterer, and caring parent, David is celebrated for his accomplishments, admired for his gentleness, yet criticized for his failings. In this series, we explore the second part of David’s life—from hunted rebel to anointed ruler.

The Rector's Bible Study meets Mondays at 10 a.m. online with livestream available on St. Paul's Facebook page.



January 25, 2021
David’s Marriages
1 Samuel 25

February 1, 2021
David’s Respect
1 Samuel 26

February 8, 2021
David’s Flight
1 Samuel 27

February 15, 2021
Saul’s Inquiry
1 Samuel 28

February 22, 2021
David’s Rejection
1 Samuel 29

March 1, 2021
David’s Rage
1 Samuel 30

March 8, 2021
David’s Grief
1 Samuel 31 - 2 Samuel 1

March 15, 2021
David’s Ascendency
2 Samuel 2

March 22, 2021
No Class - Spring Break

March 29, 2021
David’s Consolidation
2 Samuel 3

April 5, 2021
David’s Vengeance
2 Samuel 4

April 12, 2021
David’s Victory
2 Samuel 5


Third Thursday Meals: January


Monthly Giving Summary